Mitch McConnell Attacks Trump When Asked by Liberal Reporter About 2024

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential election bid is in trouble following remarks made by the former President calling for the “termination” of rules regarding the previous election.

CNN reporter Manu Raju asked McConnell (R-KY) about the remarks during a briefing at the Capitol Tuesday.

“Can you say categorically that you would not support him if he were the Republican nominee?” Raju questioned.

“What I’m saying is, it would be pretty hard to be sworn into the presidency if you’re not willing to uphold the Constitution,” McConnell replied. “That’s what I said and I just said it again.”

That’s strange… considering the number of Presidents who have upheld the Constitution in the modern era is a handful, at best.

Trump Rails Against Election Results Following ‘Twitter Files’ Controversy

McConnell was commenting on remarks made by the former President after he learned of the ‘Twitter Files’ scandal.

The Twitter files involve a series of releases, one which has already come to pass, which show executives at the Big Tech company deliberately censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story at the direction of the DNC and President Biden’s campaign.

Rather than use that as fuel heading into his next campaign, Trump unwisely suggested unraveling the 2020 contest through the “termination” of rules, “even those found in the Constitution.”

Trump has since insisted that was not what he meant, merely that “steps must be immediately taken to RIGHT THE WRONG.”

McConnell: Trump Won’t Win in 2024

This is the second time in recent weeks that Mitch McConnell has implied Trump would not become President in 2024, or even become the GOP nominee.

Last week, the top Senate Republican criticized the former President’s media-hyped dinner with Kanye West and little-known commentator Nick Fuentes.

“First, let me just say that there is no room in the Republican Party for anti-Semitism or white supremacy,” McConnell told reporters unprompted.

“And anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States.”

Trump responded to McConnell’s criticism in typical fashion, calling him a “loser.”

“Mitch is a loser for our nation and for the Republican Party who would not have been re-elected in Kentucky without my endorsement, which he begged me for because he was going down,” he said in an interview with Fox News.

At some point, you would think it would dawn on McConnell that the things Trump says, in his bombastic and hyperbolic fashion, are things that the opposition party has actively engaged in.

The Democrat Party has an outright monopoly on anti-Semitism, with the Squad making numerous comments that would make Fuentes proud.

And ‘terminating’ the Constitution? Did Mitch not see what happened in 2020 with early voting, mail-in voting, and a coordinated effort by the Democrat party and the media to sway an election?

No concerns about the integrity of the Constitution there, eh?

Trump has consistently been calling on McConnell to be removed from his leadership role “immediately,” saying he is little more than “a pawn for the Democrats.”

These latest comments seem to have proven him right.