Biden’s claim that no visitor records exist ‘strains credibility’

Investigation into classified docs found at Wilmington home ramping up

As part of its review of the classified documents found, unsecure and unprotected, at Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home Congress is insisting on seeing the list of those who visited Biden there.

The Biden administration says no such records were ever kept, and they simply don’t exist.

Which, according to a commentary at the Washington Examiner “strains credibility.”

“More likely: The Secret Service and White House are hiding behind the explicit definition of visitor logs,” the commentary said. “The Secret Service noted, after all, that it does screen visitors to the residence. The Secret Service’s Protective Intelligence eXchange system allows its employees and other federal law enforcement officials to make secured name checks against an integrated federal watch list. This list includes people who are assessed as having an actual or prospective threat interest in protectees. Secret Service protocols entail the screening of visitors and guests against these watch lists. … Even noncriminal records of visitors are retained for a short period: Sometimes, a threat won’t become clear until after the fact.”

The list of visitors is relevant “in light of Biden’s classified documents scandal. Unlawfully retaining Obama-era classified documents at two different locations, Biden has already gifted his predecessor, Donald Trump, a likely get-out-of-jail-free card . Still, the president’s scandal worsened on Monday with the White House assertion that there are no visitor logs for Biden’s Wilmington residence. A Secret Service spokesman says, ‘We don’t independently maintain our own visitor logs because it’s a private residence.'”

It was the White House counsel that claimed no visitor logs kept of people who come to Biden’s Delaware home, the location where two of three batches of classified documents were found.

White House spokesman Ian Sams said the president’s personal residence is just that, personal.

Batches of classified, and unprotected, documents have been found in Biden’s old office at the Penn Biden Center think tank, and two places in his home, including in his garage near his collectible Corvette.

Biden said the garage doors were locked so everything was safe.

According to Just the News, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., the head of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, wants the visitor logs to check on those who may have had access to the documents.

Further, he charged National Archives with stonewalling his investigation and not being transparent with Americans.

The agency that takes care of presidential documents “has yet to provide @GOPoversight with a simple briefing on its handling of classified docs,” he said. “So many questions remain unanswered.”
