Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has recently expressed anti-open border views.
According to a report by John Binder of Breitbart News, RFK Jr. believes it is “not anti-immigrant” to be against illegal immigration to the United States. He believes that the huge socio-economic costs that mass migration causes are disproportionately shouldered by middle and working class Americans.
In a recent Twitter post, RFK Jr. stressed the need to keep violent illegal aliens out of the country. He cited the case of four-time deported illegal alien Francisco Oropesa Perez-Torres, who is facing charges for murdering a family of five in Texas, as one of many reasons the country needs to control its border.
“Francisco Oropeza Perez-Torres has been arrested for the murder of 5 people including a 9-year-old boy,” RFK Jr. posted. “Torres is a Mexican already deported 4 times. It is not anti-immigrant bigotry to demand an immigration system that keeps out criminals. In fact, letting them in stokes bigotry.”
On top of that, RFK Jr. declared that Americans can be both “pro-immigration and pro-closing the border” with a particular emphasis on eliminating the chaos sweeping up US border towns.
“Right now we have chaos at the border,” RFK Jr. wrote. “Human trafficking, criminality, intolerable stress on border states like Texas. It is a humanitarian nightmare.”
RFK Jr. continued by declaring that should he assume the presidency, his “long-term solution to the border crisis” would be ending US geopolitical maneuvers in Mexico and Central America, which he believes have “create[d] desperate conditions south of the border.”
“The War on Drugs is one,” RFK Jr. noted. “U.S.-funded dictators, juntas, paramilitaries, and death squads. Neoliberal extraction of resources. Unpayable debts. It is inhumane and hypocritical to deny immigration while creating the conditions that drive immigration. As President, I will change these policies.”
RFK Jr. is largely correct here. His views are a breath of fresh air in an otherwise pro-open borders Democratic Party. To achieve an immigration patriotic political consensus, there ultimately needs to be a revival of a pro-Labor, nationalist Left that’s willing to pact with a nationalist Right to control the border.
The survival of the Historic American Nation ultimately depends on people putting aside petty political differences and working together to stop Open Borders Inc’s civilization-destroying agenda.