Total Sell-Out Rino Rat Mitch McConnell Is Against House Impeachment Efforts on Biden

Several members of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell‘s (R-Ky.) leadership team on Thursday expressed reluctance about potentially being drawn into an impeachment trial.

Why it matters: The upper chamber skepticism cuts against growing energy in the House GOP towards impeaching either President Biden or one of his officials.

Driving the news: The House voted Thursday to refer a resolution to impeach Biden over his handling of border security to a pair of committees.

  • The vote may only temporarily avert a direct impeachment as the right-wing lawmakers who yield considerable leverage over House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) grow restless.
  • “I think the American people are interested in seeing people held accountable,” Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) told Axios. “And they’re tired of waiting.”
