On July 20, Texas wisely became the eighth state to resign from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) in 2023, and the ninth state overall.
ERIC has been a powerful tool misused by Deep State operatives as data indicates it is another tool (like Dominion Voting machines, Runbeck Elections ballot printers, Konnech voting tabulation, running Mules, USPS Union, etc.) to control and manipulate elections.
ERIC was originally funded by the Soros Open Society to bloat the voter rolls. Evidence indicates ERIC is politically compromised. Although sold to states as a way to purge invalid and ineligible voters, facts show this is not so true.
Remember the revealing Dinesh D’Souza movie, “2000 Mules” which revealed massive numbers of operatives (mules) stuffing ballet boxes, especially in swing states.
Those ballots were filled out by many people who have moved from the state, choose not to vote, or had died.
The “who moved and who died” are the richest lists for fake ballot submission.
These phantom names show up on requests for mail-in ballots, mailing lists from state election officials, and even in the CVRs (counted vote records) after an election.
This is the kind of stuff put into voting drop boxes by the “Mules”on the midnight to 3 a.m. shift.
For instance, the number of Michigan’s registered voters climbed dangerously—and impossibly—to 104% of its Voting Aged Population (VAP).
After the suspicious 2020 Election, which placed Joe Biden in the White House, citizen’s groups, rightfully distrustful of mainstream media narratives and corrupted state elections, began performing their own investigation. They found thousands of votes mysteriously counted by people who had moved out of state, as well as ineligible and dead voters.
By June 17, 2022, Verityvote.us, led by citizen investigator Heather Honey, demonstrated that the left-wing organization had crossed a red line.
“The primary effect of ERIC is to grow the voter rolls by converting eligible-but-unregistered (EBU) persons into registered voters. States divulge to ERIC personally identifying information of unregistered residents, including people who have declined to register for privacy reasons. FOIAs reveal that ERIC is sharing EBU records with Zuckerberg-funded CEIR.”
At its height in 2022, 33 states were participating members in ERIC.While ERIC describes its mission as “to assist states in improving the accuracy of America’s voter rolls and increasing access to voter registration for all eligible citizens,” evidence has shown it is a tool to manipulate elections.
Alicia Pierce, a representative for Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson, said compliance with Senate Bill 1070 was the reason for Texas’s withdrawal.SB1070, which Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed on June 18, 2023, includes provisions that make compliance with ERIC’s bylaws effectively impossible and directs the Texas Secretary of State to develop a new voter registration data-sharing compact, or find a new program with annual dues less than $100,000.
The Texas State Senate approved SB1070 by a vote of 26-4 on April 12, and the Texas House of Representatives passed the bill 85-61 on May 23.The withdrawal will become effective on Oct. 19.
The Texas Republican Party, which supports the state’s withdrawal from ERIC, said: “The ERIC membership agreement collects an extensive amount of personally identifiable information.”
These are the states that have so far withdrawn from using ERIC.
- Louisiana (Effective November 9, 2022)
- Alabama (Effective April 18, 2023)
- Florida (Effective June 3, 2023)
- Missouri (Effective June 3, 2023)
- West Virginia (Effective June 3, 2023)
- Iowa (Effective June 16, 2023)
- Ohio (Effective June 16, 2023)
- Virginia (Effective August 9, 2023)
- Texas (Effective October 19, 2023)