Will America Ever Be Great Again?

President Trump has promised to “make American great again.”  It has been a catchy campaign slogan, but not a restoration of greatness by a long shot.  Maybe we are beyond making America great again..  American greatness was not only dependent on military strength or technological superiority – although those were important to the United States’ role as a world leader.  After surrendering in a serious of conflicts, America’s military superiority appears more a theory than a reality.  I n terms of technological superiority, we ae losing that advantage to nations such as China and India.  In terms of essential computer chips, we are now completely dependent on Taiwan.The loss of American leadership and greatness may be more the results of losing the real qualities of greatness – hard work, sacrifice, compassion, a clear sense of right and wrong, rugged individualism and patriotism.  Those were the unifying traits that created the most enduring experiment in democracy and the most successful national culture in the history of the world.  Virtually all those traits have been reversed in contemporary America.  


Hard work has been replaced with a sense of entitlement.  Success is measured by getting more with less effort – shorter workdays and work weeks, longer vacations, early retirement and reliance on welfare.  A successful economy is dependent on the maximum of individuals who are both consumers and PRODUCERS.  In 2000 employed Americans represented more than 64 percent of the population – an all time high.  Twice as many producers/consumers as consumers only. Two-thirds of the population were supporting one-third. Today, the number of employed is approximately 160 million, approximately 50 percent of the population. Half of America is now supporting the other half.

A just and charitable society subsidizes the needs of children, the elderly, the infirmed and the disabled.  But the subsidies go far beyond legitimate needs.  They are doled out in the form of “benefits” and “entitlement” – terms that suggest the money is unearned.


The sense of sacrifice has been replaced by greed.  The percentage of money donated to religious organizations and charities has declined over the years.  Abortion has replaced adoption as the means of addressing unwanted children.  Statistically, the so-called “greatest generation” has consumed more natural and financial resources than any generation in the history of the world – more than they could pay for.  That bill is passed on to future generations in the form of the National Debt.  We have literally reversed the notion of sacrificing for our children to have a better life.  And for the first time, the next generation will have a greater economic burden and a lower lifestyle than their parents and grandparents.


America’s compassion was not a matter of domestic policy.  It extended to people across the globe.  America was the greatest provider of humanitarian aid in the face of natural disasters and war.  America created the Marshall Plan to rebuild the defeated nations in World War II, restoring them to independent democracies.  We did not consume or occupy them as part of an empire – as was the case with Russia and Eastern Europe. Most elderly parents spent their last years living with family – not in senior nursing homes.  We were good neighbors.

Sense of right and wrong

Perhaps one of the most damaging aspects of political correctness, identity politics and wokeness is that it has blurred the distinctions between right and wrong – and in some cases switched the polarity altogether. What kind of culture demonizes police and caters to criminality?  It is wrong to make the criminal the victim – or to tolerate crime.  Failure to enforce the law breeds more crime.  That is wrong.  It is wrong to allow a male who self-proclaims to be a woman participate in women’s sports.  It is wrong to expose young children to adult sexual content … period.  It is wrong to enable young children to engage in gender selection or pronoun selection.  It is wrong to maintain millions of blacks trapped in segregated and impoverished ghettoes.  It is wrong to judge the murder of a white male a lesser crime than the murder of a white woman … or a black man … or a gay person.  Yes, much of this has become normalized in today’s American society, but that does not make it right or beneficial to a healthy culture.

Rugged individualism

“Rugged individualism” is an unfortunately anachronistic term to reflect a level of self-reliance.  Situations and issues are first to be handled by the person.  Only when that is not possible does one seek the interjection of others – with government being the option of last resort.  That is especially true of the federal government.  Today, the federal government is less Uncle Sam and more like Big Brother.  The citizens have evolved to seeking federal assistance as the first and permanent option.  Arguably, it is loss of self-reliance that has surrendered hard work, sacrifice and compassion to Washington as a government service.  


Patriotism is the recognition of the common culture.  America was founded on the principle – if not the total reality — of e pluribus unum – out of many, one.  The genius and goodness of America was the ability for self-improvement – to make “a more perfect union.”  America attracted and embraced cultures from throughout the world, and through assimilation bonded them into one culture – the American culture.  Despite political differences, there had been a strong sense of common culture – patriotism.  It was reflected in respect for the flag … the National Anthem … and the Pledge of Allegiance. The failure to respect and embrace the symbols of unity has resulted in the tribalization of America.  We have devolved into a collection of competing – and even warring – demographic tribes.
