Fresh off of her stupefying victory in court that allows her to continue to throttle public opinion, Los Angeles County’s Director of the Department of Public Health not-a-real-doctor Barbara Ferrer imposed a new mask at the start of the new year.
Doctors, nurses, and patients must now wear a mask in “health care settings” such as hospitals, ERs, and urgent cares, nursing homes, rehab facilities, etc. (no mention is made of veterinary offices.)
“…(A)ll healthcare personnel, regardless of COVID-19 and influenza vaccination status, in Licensed Healthcare Facilities that provide Inpatient Care are required to mask while in contact with patients or working in patient-care areas,” Ferrer’s department announced. “In addition, all persons visiting a Licensed Healthcare Facility that provides Inpatient Care are required to mask when around patients and while in patient-care areas.”
The reason for this mandate is, according to the county, that COVID hospital admission rates have reached “medium” level as defined by the CDC. The rate is 10.5 case per 100,000 people, just above the 10 per rate that qualifies as “medium.”
For comparison, the statewide rate is now 8.9 per 100,000, meaning Ferrer’s health department is not containing the virus as well as most of the rest of the state, anyway.
This mandate has been put in place despite the overwhelming number of studies and reports that have found that wearing a mask has no benefit regarding preventing getting or transmitting COVID.
Santa Clara County has a similar, if even more (if possible) absurd mandate in place as it specifically references a “Winter Respiratory Virus Period” from November 1 to March 31 – presumably every year forever – as part of it reasoning for a health care facility mask mandate.
“The seasonal surges also risk overwhelming the existing health care system in the county, jeopardizing the capacity to provide care for these and other diseases,” the county website states. “The Health Officer makes this Order in light of the current persistent state of the COVID-19 pandemic and recurrence of seasonal influenza and other respiratory infections.”
So, fear everything and fear it forever then…
To reiterate: masks do not stop the spread of the virus. If they did the evidence would be so clear that government mandates would not be necessary to get people to mask up:
…the lockdowns, the masks, the shots, the social distancing, the closing of schools and stores and churches and parks and everything else should have produced a clear and distinct difference – if the pandemicists were right.
If they were right, the difference in results should be stark and obvious to the naked eye. Miami should look like Genoa after the plague ships arrived while Los Angeles should seem like a New Eden. If the much-maligned Swedish “soft” model was as dangerous as the pandemicists said, Stockholm should be a ghost town.
Ferrer’s masking order comes despite the fact that the current COVID death rate is the second-lowest it’s been since COVID was a thing – March 2020 – and the fact that COVID hospitalizations – comparing end of December numbers – are also the lowest since the pandemic began.
For, well, ever, humans have been dealing with the issue of respiratory virus and infection deaths of all types ratcheting up in the winter – never before, however, have humans reacted to such a predictable event in such a ridiculous manner.
“The randomly controlled test results on masks and the flu are clear,” said Stanford professor of medicine real-doctor Jay Bhattacharya. “These renewed mask mandates are not supported by high quality data.”
It seems Barbara just wanted to remind everyone she still has a job.