Army Admits Moderna mRNA Jab Caused Soldier’s Heart Problems

US Army National Guard Specialist Karoline Stancik, 24, has reportedly racked up over $70,000 in medical debt after being hospitalised for heart complications due to Moderna covid injections.

After her first dose, she developed a headache, sinus problems, cough and chest pain.  After her second dose a month later, she developed intense adverse reactions, including high heart rate, dizziness, neuropathic pain and difficulty breathing.  She suffered her first heart attack after receiving the second dose of Moderna’s covid “vaccine.” 

Stancik has now had three heart attacks and a stroke and, at the age of 24, is having a pacemaker fitted.

In the video below, Catherine Herridge, an American journalist and former CBS News senior investigative correspondent from Washington, D.C., interviews Stancik and veteran advocate Jeremy Sorenson from USJAG, an organisation which defends the rights of injured service members.

The Cost of Following Orders Episode One.  Source: Catherine Herridge on Twitter, 24 June 2024 (11 mins)

An Army memo about Stancik’s situation acquired by Herridge shows she had been diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or POTS.

The memo from the US Department of the Army’s Human Resources Command stated:

And confirmed the cause:

As Stancik has never tested positive for covid, she falls into the “POTS was also linked to … covid-19 vaccination with mRNA vaccine” category.  The memo is an admission that Stancik’s life-changing heart condition is a result of the covid injections.

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