Possible Hypersonic Missile Strike Near Bremerton Naval Base in Washington State

Bremerton Naval Base by Brian McMorrow | Bremerton washington, Bremerton, Naval

The United States Geological Survey reports an “Other Event” caused the equivalent of a Magnitude 2.6 earthquake, 0.8 km ABOVE ground  at 09:12 UTC this morning.  Word is this “Other Event” was . . . . an explosion – possibly of a Hypersonic missile –sent as “a message” to the Untied States.

Below is a screen shot of the USGS website reporting this “Other Event.” See https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/uw62037567/executive

If this “Other Event” was a missile hit, then the missile would have had to pass over Naval Base Bremerton, WA to reach where the “Other Event” (explosion?) took place.   Bremerton, near Seattle, is a massive, perhaps Primary, Naval Base for the US in the Pacific.


There are mountains in that area where the “other event” took place at a “Depth” of -0.8km.  Yes, that’s a minus sign in front of the “Depth” meaning the “Other Event” took place above the ground by about 2,624 feet.  Some of the mountains in that area ARE that high.  So if a missile hit a mountain at that height, the resulting explosion could very well register as a Magnitude 2.7 earthquake “above” ground.

For a frame of reference, when the World Trade Center in New York City collapsed in the attacks of September 11, 2001, seismographs registered the massive collapse as a Magnitude 2.1 “earthquake.”   So the fact that this “Other Event” registers stronger . . . . as 2.7 . . . . gives readers an idea of how powerful this “other event” actually was.

There is no visual evidence of any Landslide in that area.  There is no major snowpack yet, and so there is no sign of any massive Avalanche.

So what caused this “Other Event” as being reported by the US Geological Survey (HERE)?

Was it a “message” to the USA over its continued meddling in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

Was it a clear warning from, perhaps, a Russian Submarine, that the US authorizing Ukraine to use West-supplied, long-range, precision missiles against Russia, could result in Russia using missiles against the USA?

That decision on whether or not Ukraine will be allowed to use long range weapons, will be made today, and is expected to be announced from the White House.

Russian President Putin, just yesterday, warned that if this decision is made, and Ukraine is given use of West-supplied missiles to hit Russia, then the United States, European countries and NATO will be “at war” with Russia.  (Story Here)

It is starting to LOOK like, the U.S. was just sent a very real message.
