Disaster Caused by Medical Journal Censorship

In this post, I want to further the historical record of massive censoring actions by medical journals on the unprecedented adverse vaccine data of the Covid vaccines. A Midwestern Doctor, my colleague and friend, has done a masterful job of detailing that history in regard to small pox, polio, HPV and many other aspects of childhood vaccines. Never forget the Cutter incident, where officials covered up the fact they were distributing contaminated and deadly polio vaccines:

The Cutter incident was one of the worst pharmaceutical disasters in US history, and exposed several thousand children to live polio virus on vaccination.[3] The NIH Laboratory of Biologics Control, which had certified the Cutter polio vaccine, had received advance warnings of problems: in 1954, staff member Bernice Eddy had reported to her superiors that some inoculated monkeys had become paralyzed and provided photographs. William Sebrell, the director of NIH, rejected the report.[4]

The censoring of Eddy’s report led to:

  • 120,000 doses of polio vaccine that contained live polio virus.
  • 40,000 children recipients developed abortive poliomyelitis
  • 56 developed paralytic poliomyelitis—and of these, 5 children died from polio
  • exposures led to an epidemic of polio in the families and communities of the affected children, resulting in a further 113 people paralyzed and 5 deaths.

Thus, censorship of adverse vaccine data is not new but the deadly impacts of the polio vaccines is nowhere near the scope and scale of the current mRNA vaccine catastrophe.

Of those who, like me, started studying the dangers of Covid gene therapy “vaccines”, many then moved on to learn about the rest of the childhood vaccine schedule by reading “Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth.

That book exposes decades of censoring of both the acute and chronic illnesses caused by the ever-expanding CDC schedule with its pragmatic but unscientific clumping of numerous vaccine administrations on a single day, an intervention that has never been tested for safety. That book also exposes the biggest myth about vaccines which is that deaths from the illnesses they protect against had been nearly eradicated through improvements in sanitation and hygiene (and antibiotics) before the vaccine for that particular disease was even developed! Note the corresponding decrease in TB and Scarlet fever mortality, two diseases for which there is no vaccine to date:


My first post on this topic of censoring adverse vaccine data began with exposing the media and the result of their censoring – e.g. the story of my meeting with a “system pathologist” who did not know what the spike protein was (interestingly, that was one of my most popular posts to date).

In this post, I will detail how the toxicity and lethality of the mRNA vaccines has been suppressed through pervasive academic medical journal censorship.

A brilliant Substack post on this same issue was just written by Nicholas Hulscher, MPH on Peter McCullough’s Substack on November 1 (this post has been in draft form for a long time and I was working on it this weekend when I came across his article).

He tells the story of several papers that have been unfairly retracted in violation of retraction guidelines. One paper he highlighted was his own which was titled “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination.” It was removed from The Lancet’s preprint server, probably because of its conclusion: “A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”

The case of his retracted paper provides an example of a tactic used by what he calls “the Cartel” (the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers). He cited this article from September which details a recent lawsuit filed against the Cartel for “tremendous damage to science and the public interest.”

Since the rollout of the Covid mRNA “vaccines” numerous papers have been published showing tight, temporally associated increased rates of diseases and/or deaths associated with it. They have nearly all been retracted. Meanwhile, absurdly flawed or statistically manipulated papers concluding safety and efficacy (even in pregnant women) have been published in high impact journals.

Remember the absurd Lancet “mathematical modeling study” which claimed the campaign saved 20 million lives? Is that why excess mortality started to worsen across the world in 2021 and persists today? Interestingly, one exception to the censoring of negative vaccine studies is case reports of injuries – those they have let through by the thousands. At last count some months ago, my colleague Ashmedai who writes “Resisting the Intellectual Literati” had compiled over 3,600 case reports of illness and death caused by the mRNA vaccines. This is, as Paul Marik would say, “truly astonishing” for any medical product. Unheard of in fact. Almost 4,000 reports of injuries, many of them serious or fatal, and the campaign just rolls on?

In the article “The Disinformation Playbook,” by the Union of Concerned Scientists they describe 5 tactics used by the pharmaceutical industry to “counter science inconvenient to industry interests.” The first tactic is called “the Fix” and is described as below:

Does that aptly describe what I wrote about above? Know that the article was published in 2017, long before Covid. But at the time, they cited 4 case studies where companies from different industries did the above:

In each case, industry actions caused an immense amount of deaths, the most quantifiable being Merck’s Vioxx scandal whereby they hid and suppressed evidence of massive amounts of heart attacks and strokes. One shocking detail about the Vioxx case was when one expert’s testimony in court described the number of deaths from Vioxx as “equivalent to 4 jumbo jetliners crashing every week for 5 years.” Let that sink in for a second.

Merck also attacked doctors trying to call attention to that fact, another Disinformation tactic called “The Blitz”).

I am personally familiar with the Blitz via my “advocacy” (ugh) of ivermectin in Covid leading to endless major media and social media attacks as well as the revocation of my Board certifications and the loss of several jobs.

Merck ended up paying $4.85 billion to settle the criminal and civil claims. However, they had annual sales of $2.5 Billion in the approximately 5 years leading up to that. So, a win for Merck?

Lets start by asking the question, “How does Big Pharma control medical journals?” Answer: with money! One of the main ways that Pharma money influences the journals is via the purchasing of; 1) advertising and 2) “reprints.” Big money. But the influence doesn’t start or end there. They also pay for:

  • Funding of clinical trials – journals rely on these trials to publish studies
  • Ghostwriting -they employ ghostwriters to write up studies so as to hide association

From my Brave Browser AI response to the question “How profitable are medical journals?”

Ultimately, all that Pharma money undoubtedly leads to… Editorial control. One example was published by the former Editor of one of the top journals in the world, the British Medical Journal (BMJ), where he includes this anecdote and cartoon:

First know that these journal censoring actions equally applied to the suppression of efficacy of early treatments. I know this firsthand from my own experience publishing my ivermectin review paper in early 2021 when, after passing through three rounds of rigorous peer review by three high-level government scientists and a clinical expert at Frontiers in Pharmacology, it was retracted with nearly no explanation.

What happened was that after my paper was accepted, weeks and weeks passed without it being published (it was an online journal and I had paid the publishing fee to make it “open access.”) Meanwhile, during those weeks, I was watching more people die of Covid than at any other time in the pandemic (winter 2021).

When I finally “lost it” by threatening a journal representative in an email that I would go public with an accusation of scientific misconduct against the journal, the editor of the special issue on Covid (Robert Malone) was quickly informed by the Editor in Chief that the paper was being retracted based on an anonymous 3rd party peer reviewer who recommended retraction because “the data did not support the conclusions.” We were never given a copy of this review. It was the first paper to be retracted amongst me and my co-authors in a cumulative 120 years of academia and publishing. When they later went further and retracted Robert Malone’s papers, he and the other editors of the issue resigned as detailed in the below article.

In hindsight, it was a naive idea to put together a special issue on “the use of available drugs in Covid” given that available, repurposed drugs are the Achilles heel of the entire pharmaceutical industry. Although I republished it some months later, the damage to humanity and to my reputation was already done. Good times.

According to the website Retraction Watch, there are currently 450 papers on Covid-19 that have been retracted. The vast majority of retracted Covid-19 papers after the mRNA campaign roll-out had “negative conclusions” and some were even retracted off of pre-print servers.

Know that the stories behind each retraction are nearly identical to my own with ivermectin above. Essentially, a paper with data and/or analysis which concludes grave harms from the mRNA jabs gets submitted, passes peer review, and soon after publication, the editorial team concocts some story of “concerns” with the analysis and retracts it.

As per the Disinformation tactic called “the Fix”, journals also employ other methods like simply rejecting such papers, or, more devastating is when they “hold the paper hostage.” What does that mean? Basically, in academia, the scientific publishing Cartel mentioned above has a rule that you cannot submit to more than one journal at a time to avoid duplicate peer review (which is voluntary and would consume excessive time among peer reviewers).

The problem is that peer review takes months, so journals sometimes delay that process maliciously before eventually rejecting the paper. At that point, many months have passed (and even more will be required to submit to another journal and undergo a 2nd peer review). Thus, the “delayed” findings can no longer impact policy or knowledge during critical periods like a pandemic. Once and if eventually published, oftentimes the policy (i.e. mass mRNA vaccination) has already been implemented and the data does little to reverse it. This practice is actually one of the issues that the lawsuit against the science journal Cartel is about.

This tactic was deployed repeatedly in the case of the most effective drug against Covid, a medicine called proxalutamide. My close friend and colleague from Brazil, Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, had his wickedly positive, large, high-quality, double-blind placebo controlled studies held hostage by three different high impact journals, causing years to go by before publication. I chronicled his story in a Substack series I wrote called “The High-Impact Medical Journal Editors Harassment Of The World’s Leading Clinical Researcher of Repurposed Drugs in the COVID Pandemic.” Here are the links to Part 1Part 2, and Part 3. If you read that series of posts, you will come to the awful realization that, like with the cases of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, millions died around the world as a result of the suppression of the data showing proxalutamide’s incredible efficacy in Covid.

A more recent example of a paper being “held hostage” is that of a clinical shedding study where the authors exposed an unknown number of unvaccinated women to women recently mRNA vaccinated to assess whether the exposed women would develop typical vaccine adverse effects.

