No one yet has gone to prison for the billions of dollars of U.S. Aid and IMF funding stolen through the auspices of President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretaries of State Clinton and Kerry.
It was money funneled to corrupt Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky in a complicated international money-laundering scheme that involved the State Department, the IMF, and Burisma (on whose board were Hunter Biden and Devon Archer).

None of this corruption was possible without President Obama’s willing compliance and the political corruption that keeps the U.S. Department of Justice from criminally indicting communists/globalists in public office for engaging in international criminal schemes to enrich themselves.
In an interview with MSNBC on October 8, 2019, Biden’s then-campaign spokesperson Kate Bedingfield, while trying to defend Biden, admitted that President Obama knew Ukraine natural gas company Burisma was paying Hunter Biden $50,000 a month while his father, Vice President Biden, oversaw U.S. relations with Ukraine, and did nothing about it.
The appearance is Obama wanted to share the profit from holding high elected office in the United States:
His net worth today is approximately $70 million.
He entered the White House with a net worth estimated at $1.3 million.
His annual salary as president was $400,000.
Further, Obama turned a blind eye to the Clinton Foundation, which has allegedly been widely documented to have earned the Clintons’ millions by largely ignoring the federal and state accounting rules legitimate charities must follow.
Similarly, Obama put Biden in charge of U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine and Russia without keeping a short leash on Biden’s long history of using public office to enrich himself and his family.
Biden had become so accustomed to cashing in on his office that he lost his ethical compass.
In a now-infamous recorded appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations on January 23, 2018, Biden made a joke about pressing then-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to fire the country’s top prosecutor who was then investigating Hunter Biden’s financial arrangement with Burisma or face the withdrawal of a $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee. “I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.” Making threats of that nature is, under U.S. law, a form of criminal assault. But acting like a gangster thug, Biden got what he wanted. “Well son of a b****, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.” As always, the Biden family has practiced the art of self-justifying their pursuit of politics for money.
Hillary Clinton’s net worth is estimated at $120 million, much resulting from the $2 billion global empire into which she, Bill, and Chelsea built the Clinton Foundation, including the years when Hillary was secretary of state.
In the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Secretary Clinton’s State Department pledged $1 billion in aid to Haiti through USAID.
Bill Quigley, then an associate legal director at the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, and his co-author, Amber Ramanauskas, a lawyer and a human rights researcher, wrote an article titled “Haiti: Where Is the Money?” published by Haiti Action on January 4, 2012. They estimated that international donors had given Haiti some $2 billion in relief aid by then.
They noted:
But two years later, over half a million people remain homeless in hundreds of informal camps, a majority of the tons of debris from destroyed buildings still lays where it fell, and cholera, a preventable disease, was introduced into the country and is now an epidemic killing thousands and sickening hundreds of thousands more. Haiti today looks like the earthquake happened two months ago, not two years.
In his 2018 book Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, Peter Schweizer, cofounder and president of the Government Accountability Institute, documented how Biden and then-Secretary of State John Kerry pulled off what Ukrainian anti-corruption watchdog Nashi Groshi described as “an asset siphoning operation.”
Schweizer documented that on April 16, 2014:
Devon Archer, the college roommate of Kerry’s stepson, H.J. Heinz, visited the White House to meet with Vice President Biden. Less than a week later, on April 22, 2014, there was a public announcement Burisma had asked Devon Archer to join the board. Three weeks later, on May 13, 2014, Burisma asked Hunter Biden to join the board.
Schweizer commented:
Neither Biden nor Archer had any background or experience in the energy sector.
Schweizer noted:
Archer was part of the Heinz family foundation, a former senior advisor to John Kerry in his 2004 presidential bid, and the cofounder and managing director of Rosemont Seneca Partners, where he partnered with Hunter Biden.
The day before Archer’s appointment to the Burisma board, Vice President Biden arrived in Kyiv to deliver a USAID program to assist the Ukrainian natural gas industry. Soon after, the United States worked with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to get $1.8 billion in taxpayer loans pumped into the Ukrainian economy courtesy of the IMF. In August 2015, the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal disclosed that $1.8 billion in IMF Ukraine aid had been deposited into a Cyprus bank account controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky.
The Center for Global Research reported the following:
Ihor Kolomoisky, the former governor of Dnipropetrovsk, is one of Ukraine’s richest businessmen, with a business empire that includes holdings in the energy, media, aviation, chemical and metalwork industries. At the center of Kolomoisky’s wealth is PrivatBank, Ukraine’s largest financial institution, which claimed the bulk—40 percent—of the [IMF] bailout money which had been earmarked for stabilizing the banking industry.
As reported by the Gateway Pundit in 2022:
Kolomoisky was the owner of Burisma and the funder/benefactor of Volodymyr Zelensky before he became Ukraine’s president.
Hillary Clinton, too, played a crucial role in the background of the Kolomoisky story.
As reported by John Helmer in Moscow:
Kolomoisky financed anti-Russian units operating in the Ukrainian civil war in Donbas (started in 2014, expanding into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, currently ongoing). For his support of Petro Poroshenko’s government in Kyiv and the Obama administration’s drive to get Ukraine into NATO, Kolomoisky received strong support from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland. Clinton and Nuland dominated the IMF, led by then-managing director Christine Lagarde.
Helmer explained:
Following the U.S. regime change [the Maidan Revolution] which installed Poroshenko’s regime in the spring of 2014, the IMF voted massive loans for Ukraine to replace the Russian financing on which the regime of Victor Yanukovych [the Ukrainian president favorable to Russia who fled to Moscow in the aftermath of the Maidan Revolution] had depended. More than a third of the fresh IMF money was paid out by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), the state’s central bank, into PrivatBank controlled by Kolomoisky and his partner, Gennady Bogolyubov.
Obama, Clinton, Nuland, Lagarde, and the IMF ignored the evidence piling up that Kolomoisky had stolen the IMF money through a pyramid of front companies that never intended to pay it back.
In 2021, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken designated Kolomoisky and members of his immediate family as ineligible to return to the U.S. due to “his involvement in significant corruption.” On January 20, 2022, the Department of Justice filed a criminal complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida alleging “that more than 6 million in proceeds from the sale of commercial real estate in Dallas, Texas, which property was maintained and improved using the proceeds of embezzlement and fraud from PrivatBank in Ukraine, are subject to forfeiture based on violations of federal money laundering statutes.”
Final thoughts
Following the money is damn near impossible. Suffice it to say, Politics is a dirty business.
God speed to the Military Tribunals and to the return of Conservatism to America.