Running On Empty, the US Leaves Zelenskyy Hanging

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made one last ditch effort to plead for US monetary and military support for the war against Russia. President “Biden” all but blackmailed the American people last week over this issue, threatening us with sending our children to fight a war to cover up his corruption and Davos’ antihuman agenda.

The contempt with which I hold these people cannot be overstated. Biden has no more legitimacy to threaten us with fighting a war with Russia for Ukraine than Zelenskyy does. Yet his handlers think nothing of putting those words in his mouth after shoving his morning dose of stimmies into him to prop him up in front of the teleprompter for him to hopefully not misread.

If that last sentence doesn’t make your blood boil, I’ve not been doing my job properly lo these past six years.

So, challenge accepted then. Watch this clip of Zelenskyy telling us we need to forego everything to save his sorry ass.