5 Abuses of Science for Power, Profit and Political Gains


New Paradigm

In relation to abuses of science, tailor-made corporate-sponsored pseudoscience has been used as a cover arm for profits that tie in with advancements of dictated political agendas. Like the political agendas the shady science can be decided before any real scientific research begins.

Remember, however, no scientist, scientific, academic or related corporate institution or politician regardless of monied interests has a monopoly on truth. With this approach, how could integrity be maintained, using science for “ownership” by its scientific overlords, abusing their powers along the way?

– In light of this, not an exhaustive list, but here are 5 abuses of science used for power, profit and political gains.


There are 2 ways by which people wave, shape and mould their reality:

a) By going into agreement with the general consensus opinion of the masses (they can’t all be wrong…?) and

b) By also blindly accepting authority figures, especially so-called experts.

Care of political dictates and corporate sponsorship, media propaganda exploits this flawed reality construct by the masses to quote references from “experts” with their fraudulent or baseless scientific claims masquerading as “truth.” Many so-called experts have been forced to make these false claims or otherwise their research funding would run dry, or they would be shown the door should they dissent… Then there are those without scruples who are happy to be bought and paid off to disinform the masses with their abuses of science.

Could this category (and other categories to follow) be used to expose the fraudulent abuses of science used in the Green Agenda? Is the Green Agenda nothing more than a greed-driven con? There, at least, poses some challenging related questions.


Following on from 1, there are quite the number of unexplained claims considered by the masses to be true.  Science as a religion with its “you must believe, believe, believe…” repeaters want the masses to blindly accept unexplained claims having no scientific backing, allowing those in high places to make those obscenely huge power, profit and political gains.

Examples include the unproven “germ theory” used to justify vaccines and vaccinations. Another example is the highly questionable claim that the COVID virus was present on physical cash so only digital transactions were allowed which ties in the push for the elite’s cashless society…


Another manipulation or illusion of scientific claim is the use of so-called science by opinion poll. For example, during the COVID heydays, I saw a newspaper clipping in the window of a convenience store showing an opinion poll claiming that 75% of people thought that masks should be worn. This had no validity because science is not about opinion poll, it’s only interested in facts. Did these people in support have any idea of the ineffectiveness or counter-productiveness of wearing masks? – See link referring to question 7.

In another opinion poll, is eco-alarmism indoctrination at work when the results showed that over 50% of teenagers consider it will be the end of the world during their lifetimes?

Above – Corporate in-house research claims cereal had a greater nutritional value than beef. Abuses of science?


There are a number of cases where university scientific research is controlled and dictated by major corporate and government public relations offices. Research funding from these sources can be over 10 times the normal (highest bidder).

Take for instance nutrition research. This may be grossly misleading and biased favouring the corporation’s product: A corporate-sponsored published research paper claimed that its sugar laden diabetes threatening processed cereals Lucky Charms and Cheerios had a greater nutritional value than beef and eggs. Is this rating system grossly misleading? You decide. Article link here.


Corporate-sponsored pseudoscience has data manipulation down to a fine art to suit a favourable outcome.

